Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 - The Year of Intentional Living

I have made a promise to myself that this year I will be changing my habits to include a various self-improvement activities:
  • I have started a gratitude journal where I record at least five things each and every day for which I am grateful
  • I have become an avid EBay seller to earn a little extra income from the items around the house which we no longer use.
  • I've been devouring books on various uplifting & edifying topics.

Basically, I've made a choice to be good to myself, to be more nurturing to me (for a change).

1 comment:

Katie K said...

Good for you! I love Leslie Sansone- I should probably dust off my Walk Away the Pounds DVD (or as my dad used to call it "Trudge Away the Pudge"). By the way, I checked out your Art Fire Studio and I am in love with that cute cigar box purse. Great work! I hope you're staying warm today.