Monday, February 1, 2010

And so it begins....

...the month of Sheila.

I decided a couple of weeks ago, that I was going to claim the entire month of February as my birthday celebration. The festivities started yesterday ("why not get a jump on things?" is my new motto) with a trip to our local IMAX 3D theater to see Avatar.

Official Avatar Movie

I was convinced everyone on the planet had already been to see this epic film and wasn't really expecting a huge crowd. WRONG! Luckily my buddy bought the tickets days earlier via a fabulous website Fandago (Well worth the up-charge to make sure you get tickets)

After seeing the film, I understood why it was a sold out house: it is a visually stunning movie. An assault on the senses. A must see on the IMAX 3D screen! I have heard various critical reports that the story line was predictable, to those folks I say "get over it!" The cool factor far outweighs that drawback.

My best advice: if you are within driving distance of an IMAX theater, do not hesitate to spend the money to go see this movie! Be prepared to sit for 3+ hours (wear an adult diaper if you must); oh and don't sit too close to the screen.

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