Thursday, August 2, 2007

A peek at my mom's birthday card...

Along with a "special greeting" from her "other baby"

A year ago, my mom decided it was time to permanently hand in her keys. She has been driving this '64 Dodge Dart for what seems like forever. I learned to drive in this puppy. Anyway - she was going to put it up for sale. I've always loved this car and told her to check with me first when / if she was ever going to sell it (I guess she didn't think I was serious - but I was). My husband and I flew out to CA for a visit, got the title changed over, and arranged for a transport carrier to haul her (the car - not my mom) back to NY. She needs some work, but mostly cosmetic type stuff.

My mom usually asks about the car when we talk, she misses being able to look out the window to see her "baby" parked at the curb. I've seen greeting cards from the family pet, so I figured I could make one from her old car.

1 comment:

----- Alison Mewer Cowan ----- said...

The car card - that is AWESOME! I love the "Miss You" - seriously, that's hilarious, and so touching all at the same time.

Love your embossed paper on the Happy Birthday card! ;-)